

ACEX Assessoria de Comércio Exterior Ltda was born in 1977, in Joinville-SC, with the objective of meeting the needs of companies and industries that seek to expand their business through international trade.

Currently, with more than 40 years of operation in the market and a lot of pride, our company is a reference of professionalism, ethics and commitment to the Brazilian customs process and recognition of quality by the companies we serve.

Our work focuses mainly on customs clearance in import and export, but we go further with partnerships in various areas of foreign trade. This expertise makes ACEX provide broader and more complete solutions to the importer and exporter.


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ACEX seeks to enable customs solutions based on operational excellence and, mainly through our human talent, with technology as a great ally. Our work is based on values that are the principles that guide all our attitudes, the development of activities and the way we behave, inside and outside the company, with our employees, partners and customers.

  • Respect
    Have an empathetic view, both with yourself and with others.
  • Passion
    Seek daily motivation and enthusiasm, giving your best in a way that inspires people and brings us complete satisfaction in what we do.
  • Encouragement
    Commit to encouraging yourself and your colleagues, aiming to motivate the team with small daily actions and attitudes, striving for excellence in service.
  • Unity
    Instead of putting challenges between us, we combine efforts and thoughts and look in the same direction.
  • Innovation
    Strive to facilitate processes through innovative approaches, using past experiences to simplify the future.

They are a reflection not only of what we believe faithfully, but also of what we project for the future: the ACEX legacy. We are proud of the values that serve as a foundation and that we defend every day, because they represent us as a dignified and responsible company in the community in which we live.

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Expand borders through knowledge and excellence in customs services.


To be the first and best choice in customs services among importers and exporters.


Import or Export?

Request the contact of an ACEX consultant


ACEX headquarters is headquartered in Joinville-SC but we also have branches in Itajaí-SC and São Francisco do Sul-SC.

Our offices serve the main points of Santa Catarina: the ports of Itajaí, Navegantes, São Francisco do Sul and Itapoá, Joinville, Navegantes and Florianópolis airports, as well as the borders of Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, and ports and airports of Paraná and São Paulo.


Consolidated Experience

Today, ACEX is proud of its trajectory, which has led to an excellent relationship with customs supervision and the entire business community that is part of international logistics.

+ 5.500
Clients Served
+ 68.000

Our Team

Business excellence starts with people

ACEX values the appreciation and respect for human capital, so we continuously seek the development of people not only in the technical area but also in the service area.

We have a highly qualified team, with our staff, customs brokers and freight forwarder assistants with more than 20 years of experience in foreign trade.


Track your import or export progress in real-time

Allied to the human resource, we make use of technology in our internal procedures. We believe that with the correct use of technology we can achieve more agile and reliable processes. We use a specific system focused on the role of the customs broker integrating all areas of our office.

For the customer, we provide a dashboard portal that allows access to real-time processes, documents, follow-ups and with the possibility of customizing reports and spreadsheets.


Emergency management: the ability to monitor the shipments selected by the user himself
Active sending of notifications by messages on the user’s screen about import and export processes
Follow-up display as a timeline for better visibility by separating by basic and most relevant events
Visibility for strategic information management
Visibility of real-time information
Flexibility of system layout per user
Automated customer follow-ups
Monitoring of Customs Import and Export processes

AEO Certification

Benefits and good relationship with the Brazilian customs in its favor

The Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is a strategic partner of the Federal Revenue Service which, after proving compliance with the requirements and criteria of the AEO Program, is certified as a low-risk, reliable operator and, therefore, will enjoy the benefits offered by the Brazilian customs, related to the greater agility and predictability of its loads in international trade flows.

While the program was in force for the customs broker, Mario Sergio F. Penha Jr. was granted the authorization for AEO Conformity Level 1 modality under number 145

Let's talk

Contact us to receive a personalized service from our team.