Customs Clearance


Import planning, monitoring and clearance

  • Import costs
  • Tax classification of goods and administrative treatment
  • Contracting of national and international insurance and freight
  • Cargo collection, storage and transport coordination
  • Import Licensing
  • Registration of the Import Declaration
  • Customs Clearance
  • Monitoring of air, sea and road shipments
  • Follow Up


Export Planning, Monitoring and Clearance

  • Export costs
  • Contracting of national and international insurance and freight
  • Issuance of export documents
  • Customs Clearance
  • Follow Up
  • Temporary Export
  • Monitoring of air, sea and road shipments

Need help with your Import or Export?

Talk to one of our consultants.

Tell us how we can assist you.

Fill out the form beside, and one of our consultants will contact you to discuss your specific needs.

You can also reach us directly via phone, WhatsApp, or email for personalized service.